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第1回  4月20日  山手佑太

"Scorpion species with smaller body sizes and narrower chelae have the highest venom potency" 

Forde A, Jacobsen A, Dugon MM & Healy K (2022)

Toxins 14: 219

第2回  5月19日  川西  翔

"Fish embryos on land: terrestrial embryo deposition lowers oxygen uptake without altering growth or survival in the amphibious fish Kryptolebias marmoratus"

Wells MW, Turko AJ & Wright PA (2015) 
Journal of Experimental Biology, 218: 3249-325

第3回  6月7日  豊増七奈

第4回  6月  竹垣 毅


第1回  4月8, 15日  川西  翔

"Putting eggs in one basket: Ecological and evolutionary hypotheses for variation in oviposition-site choice"
Refsnider JM & Janzen FJ. (2010)
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 41: 39–57.

第2回  4月20, 28日  豊増七奈

"Phylogeography of the mitten crab Eriocheir sensu stricto in East Asia: Pleistocene isolation, population expansion and secondary contact. 
Xu J, Chan TY, Tsang LM & Chu KH. (2009) 
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 52: 45–56.

第3回  5月6日  山手佑太

"Evolution of separate predation-and defence-evoked venoms in carnivorous cone snails"
Dutertre S, Jin AH, Vetter I, Hamilton B, Sunagar K, Lavergne V, Dutertre V, Fry BG, Antunes A, Venter DJ, Alewood PF & Lewis RJ. (2014).  
Nature Communications, 5(1), 1-9.


第4回  5月20日  石橋涼介

"Spatial asymmetry of the paternity success in nests of a fish with alternative reproductive tactics" 
Poli F, Marino IAM, Santon M, Bozzetta E, Pellizzato G, Zane L, & Rasotto MB. (2021).
Scientific Reports, 11: 1-10.

第5回  6月3日  竹垣 毅

"Indirect cue of paternity uncertainty does not affect nest site selection or parental care in a Pacific toadfish"

Bose AP, Houpt N, Rawlins M, Miller JS, Juanes F & Balshine S. (2020).

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74: 1-10.

第6回  6月18日  山手佑太

Risk Assessment and the Effects of Refuge Availability on the Defensive Behaviors of the Southern Unstriped Scorpion (Vaejovis carolinianus). 
Nelsen DR, David EM, Harty CN, Hector JB & Corbit AG (2020)
Toxins, 12: 534-.

第7回  6月30日  川西  翔

Consequences of nest site selection vary along a tidal gradient.

Brown NA, Houpt NS, Yee NL, Curtis JE, Bolker BM, Juanes F & Balshine S (2021)  

Journal of Animal Ecology, 90: 528-541.

第8回  7月5日  豊増七奈

Genome‐wide comparisons reveal a clinal species pattern within a holobenthic octopod—the Australian Southern blue‐ringed octopus, Hapalochlaena maculosa (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae). 
Morse P, Kjeldsen SR, Meekan MG, Mccormick MI, Finn JK, Huffard CL & Zenger KR (2018). 
Ecology and Evolution, 8: 2253-2267.

第9回  7月28日  石橋涼介

Effects of timing of nest entry and body size on the fertilization success of alternative male reproductive phenotypes of masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou). 

Watanabe M, Takamura S & Maekawa K (2008)
Canadian Journal of Zoology, 86: 1121-1130.

第10回  8月27日  竹垣 毅

Females “assist” sneaker males to dupe dominant males in a rare endemic damselfly: sexual conflict at its finest.

Khelifa R (2019)

Ecology, 100: e02811.

第11回  9月7日  山手佑太

Do Pit vipers Assess Their Venom? Defensive Tactics of Deinagkistrodon acutus Shift with Changed Venom Reserve.
Piao Y, Yao G, Jiang H, Huang S, Huang F, Tang Y, Yang L & Chen Q (2021)  

第12回  9月29日 豊増七奈

The role of the isolation of the marginal seas during the Pleistocene in the genetic structure of black sea bream Acanthopagrus schlegelii (Bleeker, 1854) in the coastal waters of Japan. 
Yamashita Y, Sanchez G, Kawai K, Tomano S, Fujita H & Umino T (2021) 
PeerJ, 9: e11001


第13回  10月6日 川西  翔

Costs and benefits of temporary egg desertion in a rocky shore frog with male-only care. 
Consolmagno RC, Requena GS, Machado G & Brasileiro CA (2016)
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 70: 785-795.

第14回  10月27日 石橋涼介

Sand goby males trade off between defence against egg predators and sneak intrusions. 

Järvi‐Laturi M, Lindström K, Kvarnemo C & Svensson O (2011)

Journal of Zoology, 283: 269-275.

第15回  11月9日  竹垣 毅

Black goby territorial males adjust their ejaculate’s characteristics in response to the presence of sneakers.

Locatello L, Borgheresi O, Poli F, Pilastro A, & Rasotto MB (2021)

Biology Letters 17.

第16回  11月30日 山手佑太

The role of venom in the hunting and hoarding of prey differing in body size by the Eurasian water shrew, Neomys fodiens
Kowalski K & Rychlik L (2018)
Journal of Mammalogy, 99: 351-362.

第17回  12月8日 川西  翔

Beach-spawning fishes, terrestrial eggs, and air breathing. 

Martin KLM, Van Winkle RC, Drais J & Lakisic H (2004)

Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 77: 750-759.

第18回  12月22日 石橋涼介

Two patterns of parasitic male mating behaviors and their reproductive success in Japanese medaka, Oryzias latipes

Koya Y, Koike Y, Onchi R & Munehara H (2013)

Zoological science, 30: 76-82.

第19回  1月13日 豊増七奈

Morphologies and population genetic structures of the eight-barbel loach of the genus Lefua on southern Sakhalin.
Machida Y, Kanaiwa M, Shedko SV, Matsubara H, Kobayashi H, Mandagi IF,Ooyagi A & Yamahira K. (2021).
Ichthyological Research, 6: 239-248.

第20回  1月27日  竹垣 毅

Nonmating behavioural differences between male tactics in the invasive round goby. 
Synyshyn C, Green-Pucella AE & Balshine S. (2021).
Animal Behaviour, 182: 227-237.


第1回  5月13日  山手佑太

第2回  5月19日  川西  翔

"Nesting on high: reproductive and physiological consequences of breeding across an intertidal gradient"

Bose AP, Borowiec BG, Scott GR & Balshine S. (2019)

Evolutionary Ecology, 33: 21-36.

第3回  5月26日  豊増七奈

"Comparison of population structuring in sympatric octopus species with and without a pelagic larval stage"

Higgins KL, Semmens JM, Doubleday ZA & Burridge CP. (2013)

Marine Ecology Progress Series, 486: 203-212.

第4回  5月28日  近村  勇之介

"Microhabitat use affects goby (Gobiidae) cue choice in spatial learning task"

White GE & Brown C. (2015)

Journal of Fish Biology, 86: 1305-1318.

第5回  9月23日  近村  勇之介
"Extensive training extends numerical abilities of guppies"
Bisazza A, Agrillo C, & Lucon-Xiccato T (2014)
Animal Cognition, 17: 1413-1419.

第6回  10月7日  川西  翔

"Terrestrial reproduction by the air‐breathing fish Andamia tetradactyla (Pisces; Blenniidae) on supralittoral reefs" 
Shimizu N, Sakai Y, Hashimoto H & Gushima K. (2006) 
Journal of Zoology, 269: 357-364.

第7回  10月14日  山手佑太

Fangs for the memories? A survey of pain in snakebite patients does not support a strong role for defense in the evolution of snake venom composition. 

Ward-Smith H, Arbuckle K, Naude A & Wüster W. (2020)

Toxins, 12: 201.

第8回  11月4日  豊増七奈

Population genetics of the common long-armed octopus Octopus minor (Sasaki, 1920)(Cephalopoda: Octopoda) in Chinese waters based on microsatellite analysis. 

Gao X, Zheng X, Bo Q & Li Q. (2016)

Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 66: 129-136.

第9回  11月11日  竹垣 毅

Galanin neuron activation in feeding, parental care, and infanticide in a mouthbrooding African cichlid fish. 
Butler JM, Herath EM, Rimal A, Whitlow SM & Maruska KP (2020)
Hormones and Behavior, 126: 104870.


第1回  4月22日  山手佑太

“Chemical defense in pelagic octopus paralarvae: Tetrodotoxin alone does not protect individual paralarvae of the greater blue-ringed octopus (Hapalochlaena lunulata) from common reef predators” 

Williams BL, Lovenburg V, Huffard CL & Caldwell RL  (2011). 

Chemoecology, 21: 131.

第2回  6月10日  竹垣 毅

“Environmental enrichment influences spatial learning ability in captive-reared intertidal gobies (Bathygobius cocosensis)”

Carbia PS. & Brown C.  (2019). 

Animal Cognition, 22: 89-98.

第3回  7月22日  佐藤あゆみ

“Consequences of paternal care on pectoral fin allometry in a desert-dwelling fish”

van Lieshout E, Svensson PA, & Wong BBM. (2013). 

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67: 513–518.



第4回  7月24日  大家巧己

“Mating behavior of Abdopus aculeatus (d’Orbigny 1834) (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) in the wild”

Huffard CL, Caldwell RL & Boneka F. (2008). 

Marine Biology 154: 353–362.

第5回 9月25日  山手佑太 

“Olfactory information saves venom during prey‐capture of the hunting spider Cupiennius salei (Araneae: Ctenidae)”

Hostettler S & Nentwig W. (2006). 

Functional Ecology 20: 369-375.

第6回 10月24日  竹垣 毅

“Androgen and prolactin manipulation induces changes in aggressive and nurturing behavior in a fish with male parental care”

Cunha AAP, Partridge CG, Knapp R, & Neff BD. (2019). 

Hormones and Behavior 116:104582.


第7回  11月18日  佐藤あゆみ

“Evidence for the secondary sexual development of the anal fin in female kokanee salmon Oncorhynchus nerka”

Thorn MW & Morbey YE. (2016). 

Journal of Fish Biology, 88: 448-458.






第10回 12月14日  喜久山 壮 

“A nudibranch removes rival sperm with a disposable spiny penis”

Sekizawa A, Goto SG & Nakashima Y. (2018).

Journal of Ethology


第9回 11月19日  森  誠 

“Proximal cues for nocturnal egg care in convict cichlids, Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum”

Reebs SG & Colgan PW (1992)

Animal behaviour, 43: 209-214.


第8回 10月31日  山手佑太 

“Mating behaviour and postcopulatory fertilization patterns in the southern blue-ringed octopus, Hapalochlaena maculosa”

Morse P, Huffard CL, Meekan MG, Mccormick MI & Zenger KR. (2018)

Animal Behaviour, 136: 41-51.


第7回 10月16日  中武洋佑 

“Decreased prolactin levels reduce parental commitment, egg temperatures, and breeding success of incubating male Adélie penguins”

Thierry AM, Brajon S, Massemin S, Handrich Y, Chastel O & Raclot T (2013)

Hormones and Behavior, 64: 737-747.


第6回 9月19日  竹垣 毅

“A Bruce effect in wild geladas”

Roberts EK, Lu A, Bergman TJ & Beehner JC (2012)

Science, 335: 1222-1225.


第5回 7月30日  山手佑太 

“Coevolution of venom function and venom resistance in a rattlesnake predator and its squirrel prey”

Holding ML, Biardi JE & Gibbs HL (2016) 

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 283: 20152841.



第4回 7月2日  森  誠

“Nestling recognition via direct cues by parental male bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus)” 

Neff BD & Sherman PW (2003).

Animal cognition, 6: 87-92.

第3回 6月21日  中武洋佑 

“From cannibal to caregiver: tracking the transition in a cichlid fish” 

Cunha-Saraiva F, Balshine S, Wagner RH & Schaedelin FC (2018).

Animal Behaviour, 139: 9-17.

第2回 5月30日  喜久山 壮

“Last male sperm precedence in a polygamous squid” 

Squires ZE, Wong BB, Norman MD & Stuart-Fox D (2015). 

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 116: 277-287.



第1回 4月23日  竹垣 毅

“You eat what you are: personality‐dependent filial cannibalism in a fish with paternal care” 

Vallon M, Grom C, Kalb N, Sprenger D, Anthes N, Lindström K & Heubel KU (2016). 
Ecology and Evolution, 6: 1340-1352.


第15回 12月20日  高橋宏司

“Mate-guarding behavior enhances male reproductive success via familiarization with mating partners in medaka fish” 

Yokoi S, Ansai S, Kinoshita M, Naruse K, Kamei Y, Young LJ, Okuyama T & Takeuchi H (2016)

Frontiers in Zoology, 13: 21.


第14回 11月29日  北野貴子

“Maternal vibration: an important cue for embryo hatching in a subsocial shield bug” 

Mukai H, Hironaka M, Tojo S & Nomakuchi S (2014) 

PloS One, 9: e87932.

第13回 11月15日  木川 誠

“Seasonal variation in male alternative reproductive tactics” 

Monroe MJ, Amundsen T, Utne‐Palm AC & Mobley KB (2016) 

Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 29: 2362-2372.

第12回 10月25日  山手佑太 

“Chemical cues correlate with agonistic behaviour and female mate choice in the southern blue-ringed octopus, Hapalochlaena maculosa (Hoyle, 1883)(Cephalopoda: Octopodidae)” 

Morse P, Zenger KR, McCormick MI, Meekan MG & Huffard CL (2017) 

Journal of Molluscan Studies, 83: 79-87.


第11回 10月10日  中西絢子

“Effects of ovarian fluid and genetic differences on sperm performance and fertilization success of alternative reproductive tactics in Chinook salmon” 

Lehnert SJ, ButtS IA, Flannery EW, Peters KM, Heath DD & Pitcher TE (2017) 

Journal of Evolutionary Biology

第10回 9月28日  中武洋佑

“Paternal investment with an uncertain future: effects of predator exposure on filial cannibalism and nesting behaviour” 

Deal ND, Lehtonen TK, Lindström K & Wong BB. (2017). 

Animal Behaviour, 132: 81-90.

第9回 9月13日  迎  佳織

“The African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni uses acoustic communication for reproduction: sound production, hearing, and behavioral significance”

Maruska KP, Ung US & Fernald RD (2012). 

PLoS One, 7(5), e37612.

第8回 8月10日 竹垣 毅 

“A test of male infanticide as a reproductive tactic in a cichlid fish”

Jindal S, Bose AP, O'Connor CM & Balshine S (2017). 

Royal Society Open Science, 4: 160891.

第7回 7月28日 高橋宏司

“Growth rate and retention of learned predator cues by juvenile rainbow trout: faster-growing fish forget sooner”

Brown GE, Ferrari MC, Malka PH, Oligny MA, Romano M & Chivers DP (2011). 

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65: 1267–1276

第6回 6月26日 北野貴子

“Induction of hatching by chemical signals secreted by the ovigerous female of an estuarine crab Sesarma haematocheir”

Ikeda H, Hirano Y, Ziegler TA & Saigusa M. (2006). 

Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology, 305: 459-471.

第5回 6月16日 山手佑太 

“Intra-organismal distribution of tetrodotoxin in two species of blue-ringed octopuses (Hapalochlaena fasciata and H. lunulata)”

Williams BL & Caldwell RL (2009). 

Toxicon, 54: 345-353.

第4回 6月6日 木川 誠

“Evidence for ontogenetically and morphologically distinct alternative reproductive tactics in the invasive Round Goby Neogobius melanostomus”

Bleeker K, De Jong K, Van Kessel N, Hinde CA & Nagelkerke LA. (2017). 

PLoS One, 12: e0174828


第3回 6月1日 中西絢子

“Post-spawning sexual selection in red and white Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha).”

Lehnert SJ, Heath DD, Devlin RH & Pitcher TE. (2017). 

Behavioral Ecology, 28: 1-10

第2回 5月18日   中武洋佑

“Androgen-mediated nurturing and aggressive behaviors during paternal care in bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus)”

Rodgers CM, Neff BD & Knapp R (2013)

Hormones and Behavior, 63: 454-461.

第1回 4月18日   迎  佳織

“Courtship sounds advertise species identity and male quality in sympatric Pomatoschistusspp. gobies”

Pedroso SS, Barber I, Svensson O, Fonseca PJ & Amorim MCP (2013)

PLoS ONE, 8: e64620.




第12回 12月14日   高橋宏司

“Strategic male signalling effort in a desert-dwelling fish”

Wong BBM & Svensson PA. (2009)

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 63: 543–549.


第11回 11月22日   竹垣  毅

“Impacts of direct and indirect paternity cues on paternal care in a singing toadfish”

Bose AP, Kou HH & Balshine S. (2016)

Behavioral Ecology, 27: 1507-1514.

第10回 10月24日   中武洋佑

“The influence of parental status on courtship effort in a paternal caring fish”

Deal ND, Gravolin I & Wong B. (2016)

Ethology, 122: 902-911.


第9回 10月4日   中西絢子

“Ovarian fluid allows directional cryptic female choice despite external fertilization”

Alonzo SH, Stiver KA & Marsh-Rollo SE (2016)

Nature Communications, 7.

第8回 9月21日   永瀬翔一

“Competitor intrusions and mate-search tactics in a territorial marine fish”

Sikkel PC. (1998)

Behavioral Ecology, 9: 439-444


第7回 9月13日   迎  佳織

“Mate preference in the painted goby: the influence of visual and acoustic courtship signals”

Amorim MCP, da Ponte AN, Caiano M, Pedroso SS, Pereira R & Fonseca PJ. (2013)

Journal of Experimental Biology, 216: 3996-4004.

第6回 7月29日   高橋宏司

“Female guppies Poecilia reticulata prefer males that can learn fast”

Shohet AJ & Watt PJ. (2009)

Journal of Fish Biology, 75: 1323–1330.

第5回 7月7日   竹垣  毅 

“Cognitive ability is heritable and predicts the success of an alternative mating tactic” 

Smith C, Philips A & Reichard M. (2015). 

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 282: 20151046.


第4回 6月17日   中武洋佑

“Hurry-up and hatch: selective filial cannibalism of slower developing eggs” 

Klug H & Lindström K. (2008). 

Biology letters 4: 160-162.


第3回 6月3日   中西絢子

“From sneaker to parental male: change of reproductive traits in the black goby, Gobius niger(Teleostei, Gobiidae)” 

Immler S, Mazzoldi C & Rasotto MB. (2004). 

Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Comparative Experimental Biology 301: 177-185.

第2回 5月17日   永瀬翔一

“Alloparental behavior in the highly vocal Lusitanian toadfish” 

Ramos A, Fonseca PJ, Modesto T, Almada VC & Amorim MCP. (2012). 

Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 434: 58-62. 


第1回 4月25日   迎 佳織

“Attraction and localization of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) to conspecific calls” 

Rollo A, Andraso G, Janssen J & Higgs D. (2007). 

Behaviour 144: 1-21.



第18回 1月14日   迎 佳織 

“Sex-and state-dependent attraction of round gobies, Neogobius melanostomus, to conspecific calls” 

Isabella-Valenzi L & Higgs DM (2013). 

Behaviour 150: 1509-1530.

第17回 12月17日   中西絢子
“Postcopulatory consequences of female mate choice in a fish with alternative reproductive tactics” 

Fitzpatrick JL, Earn DJ, Bucking C, Craig PM, Nadella S, Wood CM & Balshine S. (2015). 

Behavioral Ecology


第16回 12月10日   大朝 葵 

“Effects of predator and shelter conditioning on hatchery-reared white seabream Diplodus sargus (L., 1758) released at sea”

D'Anna G, Giacalone VM, Fernández TV, Vaccaro AM, Pipitone C, Mirto S, Mazzola S & Badalamenti F. (2012) 

Aquaculture, 356: 91-97.


第15回 11月25日   竹下文雄

“The physiological cost of courtship: field cricket song results in anaerobic metabolism”

Mowles SL (2014) 

Animal Behaviour, 89: 39-43.

第14回 11月17日   向  草世香

“Assessing evidence of phase shifts from coral to macroalgal dominance on coral reefs”

Bruno JF, Sweatman H, Precht WF, Selig ER & Schutte VG (2009) 

Ecology, 90: 1478-1484.


第13回 11月4日   竹垣  毅
“Birth date predicts alternative life‐history pathways in a fish with sequential reproductive tactics”

Fagundes T, Simões MG, Saraiva JL, Ros AF, Gonçalves D & Oliveira RF (2015) 

Functional Ecology


第12回 10月5日   高橋宏司

“Microhabitat use affects goby (Gobiidae) cue choice in spatial learning task”

 White GE & Brown C. (2015) 

Journal of Fish Biology, 86: 1305–1318.

第11回 9月24日   金谷洋佑

“How and to what extent do sneakers gain proximity to females in an externally fertilizing fish?”

Ota K & Kohda M. (2015)

Animal Behaviour, 108: 129-136.

第10回 9月11日   永瀬翔一

“Rising costs of care make spiny chromis discerning parents”

Jordan LA, Herbert-Read JE & Ward AJ. (2013)

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67: 449-455.


第9回 8月24日  迎 佳織 

“Painted gobies sing their quality out loud: acoustic rather than visual signals advertise male quality and contribute to mating success”

Amorim MCP, Pedroso SS, Bolgan M, Jordao JM, Caiano M & Fonseca PJ. (2013)

Functional Ecology, 27: 289-298.

第8回 8月3日  中西絢子 

“Variation pattern of sperm quality traits in two gobies with alternative mating tactics”

Locatello L, Pilastro A, Deana R, Zarpellon A & Rasotto MB. (2007)

Functional Ecology, 21: 975-981.


第7回 7月31日  大朝 葵 

“Heritable and experiential effects on boldness in a tropical poeciliid”

Brown C, Burgess F & Braithwaite VA. (2007)

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 62: 237-243.


第6回 7月21日  竹下文雄

“The role of social experience in eavesdropping by male wolf spiders (Lycosidae)”

Clark DL, Zeeff CK, Sabovodny G, Hollenberg A, Roberts JA & Uetz GW. (2015)

Animal Behaviour, 106: 89-97.


第5回 7月9日  向 草世香 

“The structure of reef fish metapopulations: modelling larval dispersal and retention patterns”

James MK, Armsworth PR, Mason LB & Bode L. (2002)

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 269: 2079-2086.


第4回 6月15日  竹垣 毅 

“Filial cannibalism in a nest-guarding fish: females prefer to spawn in nests with few eggs over many”

Andrén MN & Kvarnemo C.  (2014)

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 68: 1565-1576

第3回 6月3日  高橋宏司

“Recognition of partly occluded objects by fish”

Sovrano VA & Bisazza A. (2008)

Animal Cognition, 11: 161-166


第2回 5月27日  金谷洋佑

“Territorial male gobies respond aggressively to sneakers but do not adjust their sperm expenditure”

Scaggiante M, Rasotto MB, Romualdi C & Pilastro A (2005)

Behavioral Ecology, 16: 1001-1007

第1回 4月22日  永瀬翔一

“Sharing of potential nest sites by Etheostoma olmstedi males suggests mutual tolerance in an alloparental species”

Stiver KA, Wolff SH & Alonzo SH (2013)

PLoS ONE, 8(2), e56041




第8回 12月25日   永瀬翔一

“Adoption and cuckoldry lead to alloparental care in the tessellated darter (Etheostoma olmstedi), a non-group-living species with no evidence of nest site limitation”

Stiver KA, Wolff SH & Alonzo SH (2012)

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 66: 855–864

第7回 12月3日   向 草世香

“Application of a generalized additive model (GAM) to reveal relationships between environmental factors and distributions of pelagic fish and krill: a case study in Sendai Bay, Japan”
Murase H, Nagashima H, Yonezaki S, Matsukura R & Kitakado T (2009)

ICES J. Mar. Sci., 66: 1417-1424

第6回 11月10日   金谷洋佑
“Sperm competition and mode of fertilization in the grass goby Zosterisessor ophiocephalus(Teleostei: Gobiidae)”

Scaggiante M, Mazzoldi C, Petersen CW & Rasotto MB (1999)

J. Exp. Zool., 283: 81–90 


第5回 6月6日   内田由宇

“Defensive responses of cuttlefish to different teleost predators”

Staudinger MD, Buresch KC, Mäthger LM, Fry C, Mcanulty S, Ulmer KM & Hanlon RT (2013). 

Biol. Bull., 225: 161-174.

第4回 6月2日   佐々木 学人

“The importance of sperm competition risk and nest appearance for male behavior and female choice in the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus”

Svensson O & Kvarnemo C (2005). 

Behavioral Ecology 16: 1042-1048.


第3回 5月23日   永瀬翔一

"Large males have a mating advantage in a species of darter with smaller, allopaternal males Etheostoma olmstedi" 

Stiver KA & Alonzo SH (2010). 

Cur. Zool., 56: 1-5. 


第2回 5月16日   金谷洋佑

"Sperm release behaviour and fertilization in the grass goby" 

Ota D, Marchesan M & Ferrero EA (1996).

J. Fish Biol., 49: 246-256.



第1回 5月9日   井手勇旗

"Behavioral and physiological responses of a wild teleost fish to cortisol and androgen manipulation during parental care" 

Dey CJ, O'Connor CM, Gilmour KM, Van Der Kraak G & Cooke SJ (2010).

Horm. Behav., 58: 599-605.

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