Yamate Y, Takatani T, Takegaki T. 2025
Verification of tetrodotoxin utilization against predators in Japanese blue-lined octopus.
Molluscan Research
Yamate Y, Haruki K, Ohya T, Wada, Takegaki T. 2025
Seasonal and sex differences in arm loss frequency in two small coastal octopus species (Octopus parvus and Hapalochlaena cf. fasciata).
Zoological Science 42:
喜久山 壮・竹垣 毅. 2023
クモハゼ・ネストホルダー雄の精子除去行動 -除去対象となる雄の検討-
長崎大学水産学部研究報告, 103: 1-4.
Zhang Y, Yamate Y, Takegaki T, Arakawa O, Takatani T. 2023
Tetrodotoxin Profiles in Xanthid Crab Atergatis floridus and Blue-Lined Octopus Hapalochlaena cf. fasciata from the Same Site in Nagasaki, Japan.
Toxins 15(3): 193.
Takegaki T, Nakatake Y, Matsumoto Y, Suga K & Amiya N. 2023
Early filial cannibalism in fish revisited: endocrinological constraint, costs of parental care, and mating possibility.
American Naturalist 201: 841–850
Ishibashi R & Takegaki T. 2023
Timing of sneaking behavior in the dusky frillgoby Bathygobius fuscus sneaker males.
Environmental Biology of Fishes 106: 93-100.
山手佑太・豊増七奈・竹垣 毅. 2022
日本国内におけるヒョウモンダコHappaloclaena cf fasciataの分布、体サイズ、成熟パターン.
日本水産学会誌 88: 171-173.
Yamate Y, Ohya T, Wada T & Takegaki T. 2021
Seasonal occurrence of Japanese pygmy octopus Octopus parvus in the intertidal zone.
Fisheries Science, 87: 795-803.
Yamate Y, Takatani T & Takegaki T. 2021
Levels and distribution of tetrodotoxin in the blue-lined octopus (Hapalochlaena fasciata) in Japan, with special reference to within-body allocation.
Journal of Molluscan Studies, 87: eyaa042.
Takegaki T, Nakanishi A, Kanatani Y, Kawase S, Yoshida M & Sato N. 2020
Evidence of sperm removal behaviour in an externally fertilising species and compensatory behaviour for the risk of self-sperm removal.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, Biological Sciences, 287: 20202004.
Takegaki T, Takeshita F. 2020
Winter mortality of young mudskipper fish: effects of size, temperature and energy depletion.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 530-531: 151436.
Takegaki T, Nakatake Y & Amiya N. 2020
Effect of the administration of prolactin-releasing peptide2 on feeding activity in the intertidal blenny Rhabdoblennius nitidus (Günther, 1861).
Journal of Fish Biology, 97: 566-571.
Muko S, Suzuki G, Saito M, Nakamura T & Nadaoka K. 2019
Transitions in coral communities over 17 years in the Sekisei Lagoon and adjacent reef areas in Okinawa, Japan
Ecological Research 34: 524-534.
Sano K, Yokoyama R, Kitano T, Takegaki T, Kitazawa N, Kaneko T, Nishino Y, Yasumasu S, Kawaguchi M. 2019
Male parental assistance in barred-chin blenny, Rhabdoblennius nitidus, embryo hatching.
Journal of Experimental Zoology -B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 332: 81-91.
Price NN, Muko S, Legendre L, Steneck R, van Oppen MJH, Albright R, Ang P, Carpenter RC, Chui APY, Fan TY, Gates RD, Harii S, Kitano H, Kurihara H, Mitarai S, Padilla-Gamiño JL, Sakai K, Suzuki G, Edmunds PJ. 2019
Global biogeography of coral recruitment: tropical decline and subtropical increase
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 621: 1-17.
Nakanishi A & Takegaki T. 2019
Tactic-specific sperm traits in the dusky frillgoby (Bathygobius fuscus).
Journal of Zoology, 307: 71-77
Edmunds PJ, McIlroy SE, Adjeroud M, Ang P, ... Muko S, ... & Mitarai S. 2018.
Critical information gaps impeding understanding of the role of larval connectivity among coral reef islands in an era of global change.
Frontiers in Marine Science, 5: 290.
Sato N, Uchida Y & Takegaki T. 2018.
The effect of predation risk on post-copulatory sexual selection in the Japanese pygmy squid.
Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, 72: 129.
Matsumoto Y, Tateishi T, Terada R, Soyano K & Takegaki T 2018.
Filial cannibalism by male fish as an infanticide to restart courtship by self-regulating androgen levels.
Current Biology, 28: 2831-2836.
Muko S, Ohshimo S, Kurota H, Yasuda T, Fukuwaka MA. 2018
Long-term change in the distribution of Japanese sardine in the Sea of Japan during population fluctuations.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 593: 141-154.
Takahashi K & Masuda R. 2018
Net-chasing training improves the behavioral characteristics of hatchery-reared red sea bream (Pagrus major) juveniles.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 75: 861-867.
Suzuki K, Yasuda T, Kurota H, Yoda M, Hayashi A, Muko S & Takahashi M. 2018.
Spatiotemporal variations in the distribution of round herring eggs in the East China and Japan Seas during 1997–2013.
Journal of Sea Research, 142: 1-10.
Kawase S, Hayashi T, Matsumoto Y & Takegaki T. 2017.
Testis-size variation within sneaker males of the dusky frillgoby Bathygobius fuscus (Gobiidae): effects of within-tactic competition.
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 122: 394-399.
永瀬翔一・竹垣 毅. 2017
長崎大学水産学部研究報告, 98: 1-4.
中西絢子・金谷洋佑・竹垣 毅. 2017
長崎大学水産学部研究報告, 98: 5-9. Movie
Takeshita F & Murai M. 2016.
The vibrational signals that male fiddler crabs (Uca lactea) use to attract females into their burrows.
The Science of Nature, 103: 1-9.
Matsumoto Y & Takegaki T. 2016
Male coercive mating in externally fertilizing species: male coercion, female reluctance and explanation for female acceptance.
Scientific Reports, 6: 24536.
井手勇旗・松本 有記雄・竹垣 毅. 2016
長崎大学水産学部研究報告, 97: 19-24.
Takeshita F & Sato N. 2016
Adaptive sex-specific cognitive bias in predation behaviours of Japanese pygmy squid.
Ethology, 122: 236-244.
Sato N, Takeshita F, Fujiwara E & Kasugai T. 2016
Japanese pygmy squid (Idiosepius paradoxus) use ink for predation as well as for defence.
Marine Biology, 163: 1-5.
Sato N, Katsumata N, Yokota K, Uehara T, Fusejima I & Minami H. 2016
Tori-lines with weighted branch lines reduce seabird bycatch in eastern South Pacific longline fishery.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 26: 95-107.
竹垣 毅・ 永瀬翔一・ 井手勇旗・佐々木 学人・天谷貴史・金谷洋祐・寺田龍介. 2015
シロウオ Leucopsarion petersii の産卵場造成効果の検証.
日本水産学会誌 81: 722-724.
Takeshita F & Tamura R. 2014
Optimal stocking density of juvenile red king crabs Paralithodes camtschaticus under cannibalism consideration.
Fisheries Science, 80: 775-783.
須之部 友基・川瀬裕司・坂井陽一・清水則雄・望岡典隆・田和篤史・竹垣 毅・中村洋平・出羽慎一. 2014.
千葉県生物多様性センター研究報告, 7: 3-13.
Muko S, Arakaki S, Tamai R & Sakai K. 2014
An individual-based model for population viability analysis of the brooding coral Seriatopora hystrix.
Ecological Modelling, 277: 68-76.
Sato N, Kasugai T & Munehara H. 2014
Spermatangia formation and sperm discharge in the Japanese pygmy squid Idiosepius paradoxus.
Zoology, 117: 192-199.
Muko S, Shimataniai K & Nozawa Y. 2014
Spatial analyses for non-overlapping objects with size variations and their application to coral communities.
Journal of Animal Ecology, 83: 980-990.
Sato N, Kasugai T & Munehara H. 2014
Female pygmy squid cryptically favour small males and fast copulation as observed by removal of spermatangia.
Evolutionary Biology, 41: 221-228.
Matsumoto, Y. & Takegaki T. 2013
Female mate-choice copying increases egg survival rate but does not reduce mate sampling cost in the barred-chin blenny.
Animal Behaviour, 86: 339-346.
竹垣 毅・松本 有記雄・川瀬翔馬・井手勇旗・佐藤成祥. 2013
シロウオ Leucopsarion petersii 雄の同時的複婚の可能性.
日本水産学会誌, 79: 793-796.
Sato N, Yoshida M-A, Fujiwara E & Kasugai T. 2013
High-speed camera observations of copulatory behaviour in Idiosepius paradoxus: function of the dimorphic hectocotyli.
Journal of Molluscan Studies, 79: 183-186.
Sato N, Minami H, Katsumata N, Ochi D & Yokawa K. 2013
Comparison of the effectiveness of paired and single tori lines for preventing bait attacks by seabirds and their bycatch in pelagic longline fisheries.
Fisheries Research, 140: 14-19.
Muko S, Arakaki S, Nagao M & Sakai K. 2013
Growth form-dependent response to physical disturbance and thermal stress in Acropora corals.
Coral Reefs 32: 269-280.
Sato N, Kasugai T & Munehara H. 2013
Sperm transfer or spermatangia removal: postcopulatory behaviour of picking up spermatangium by female Japanese pygmy squid.
Marine Biology 160: 553-561.
Takegaki T, Kaneko T & Matsumoto Y. 2013
Tactic changes in dusky frillgoby sneaker males: effects of body size and nest availability.
Journal of Fish Biology, 82: 475-491.
Sato N & Munehara H. 2013
The possibility of overwintering by Idiosepius paradoxus (Cephalopoda: Idiosepiidae) at the Northern limits of its distribution.
American Malacological Bulletin, 31: 101-104.
Matsumoto Y, Yabuno A, Kiros S, Soyano K & Takegaki T. 2012
Changes in male courtship intensity and androgen levels during brood cycling in the blenniid fish Rhabdoblennius nitidus.
Journal of Ethology, 30: 387-394.
Sato N, Ochi D, Minami H & Yokawa K. 2012
Evaluation of the effectiveness of light streamer Tori-Lines and characteristics of bait attacks by seabirds in the Western North Pacific.
PLoS ONE, 7 (5): e37546.
Takegaki T, Kaneko T & Matsumoto Y. 2012
Large and small size-advantage in sneaking behaviour in the dusky frillgoby Bathygobius fuscus
Naturwissenschaften, 99: 285-289.
Takegaki T, Svensson O, Kvarnemo C. 2012
Socially induced tactic change in two types of sand goby sneaker males.
Behavioral Ecology, 23: 742-750.
Muko S & Iwasa Y. 2011.
Long-term effect of coral transplantation: Restoration goals and the choice of species.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 280: 127-138.
Takegaki T, Yoshimoto Y & Matsumoto Y. 2011
Filial cannibalism in the barred-chin blenny Rhabdoblennius ellipes: males do not preferentially eat young eggs.
Journal of Ethology, 29: 395-400.
Muko, S., & Iwasa Y. 2011.
Optimal choice of species and size classes for transplantation of coral community.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 273: 130-137.
Matsumoto Y, Tawa A & Takegaki T. 2011
Female mate choice in a paternal brooding blenny : the process and benefits of mating with males tending young eggs.
Ethology, 117: 227-235.
Wada, T., Takegaki T, Mori T & Natsukari Y. 2010
Sperm removal, ejaculation, and their behavioural interaction in male cuttlefish in response to female mating history.
Animal Behaviour, 79: 613-619.
田和篤史・竹垣 毅. 2009.
長崎大学水産学部研究報告, 90: 9-18.
竹垣 毅. 2018.
「魚類学の百科事典」、分担執筆、 丸善出版、一般社団法人日本魚類学会 (編集)
竹垣 毅. 2018.
「動物学の百科事典」、分担執筆、 丸善出版、公益社団法人日本動物学会 (編集)
竹垣 毅. 2014.
「水辺と人の環境学(下)ー水辺と都市」、分担執筆、 小倉紀雄・竹村公太郎・谷田一三・松田芳夫編、 朝倉書店
竹垣 毅. 2013.
「魚類行動生態学入門」、分担執筆、桑村哲生・安房田 智司編、東海大学出版
竹垣 毅. 2009.
「干潟の海に生きる魚たち:有明海の豊かさと危機」、分担執筆、 田北 徹・山口敦子編、東海大学出版